
本學期英語學習角落Tutor為就讀國際經營碩士學程的劉緒武同學(Victor),活動時間為每週二17:30-19:30(社3007室)。Tutor的課程以讀書會、電影賞析、新聞時事等討論方式進行,過程中指導學員英語字彙、文法正確使用以及協助學員以英語完整表達討論內容;輕鬆活潑的上課方式大大地提升學員對英語學習的興趣。此外Tutor還精心安排了美式餐廳的戶外教學之旅,讓學員們能將所學應用於日常生活中。也在facebook上成立了NSYSU English Club 2011 Spring Semester的社團喔! Tutor會在此提供一些英語學習網站,學員們也在此園地互相交流,收獲良多! Tutor's beedback: I believe that the English Club is a step in the right direction in terms of internationalizing the students. In general, the results were mixed because the English levels varied too much. It was difficult to effectively teach the students beyond basic conversation skills. On the bright side, there are noticeable differences in the confidence levels of the students. I had to help a few students overcome shyness which was apparent in both Chinese and English conversation settings.