海洋國際會議實務 |
申請人 |
陳孟仙 |
職稱 |
教授兼系主任 |
所屬單位 |
海洋科學系 |
電子信箱 |
聯絡電話 |
(07)5252000 轉 5028 |
微學分課程名稱 |
海洋國際會議實務 |
學分數 |
10小時/ 0.5學分 |
授課教師 |
陳孟仙 |
參與人數 |
2 |
日期/時間 |
107/3/24~107/3/28 10:00-12:00 |
地 點 |
海洋科學學院 |
微學分課程 目標及內容 |
1. PAMS 研討會: 第20屆亞太邊緣海科學國際研討會(20th Pacific Asian Marginal Seas) 日期:2019.03.18~2019.03.22。(會議海報及議程如附) 2. UCAS 研討會: 第11屆水環境科學聯盟研討會(11th University Consortium on Aquatic Sciences) 日期:2019.03.24~2019.03.29。(會議海報及議程如附) 3.讓學生從國際研討會籌備至參與研討會辦理、會後檢討等訓練中獲得學習機會,並從外籍與會者交流互動中增進英文口語表達及臨場反應能力。 4.修課學生必須製作 4-5 分鐘微電影(含與外國學生或與會學者英文交談的錄影至少一分鐘),記錄會議進行過程,並撰寫心得報告。 5.學生成果影片將上傳至本系網頁,進行全系師生助理投票評比,達到廣宣的目地,並從中選擇出優秀的同學 3-5 名,頒發獎狀或獎品。 |
具體措施與 成果特色 |
1.學生藉由本課程參與國際研討會的籌備及辦理過程,學習與學校、廠商、外賓交涉,以及安排會議日程。從與外籍學者的交流互動中增進英文口語表達及臨場反應能力。 2. (1) Quite good apart from the online sessions due to the lack of interactions. (2) I thought everyone tried their best and we had a good relaxed environment where people felt comfortable asking questions and answering them. The venue was great, especially the big auditorium people seemed excited to present there. I felt that the video conference sessions were a bit rough since it was hard for people to pay attention for a few hours of video presentations. I like how the whole UCAS group is kept in small number so we can interact to almost everyone, while keeping the topics of presentation diverse. 15mins was great. The only part that I did not like much is the online presentation- It's hard to concentrate on the speakers' talking and especially "boring" when this session is put way to the back of the UCAS sessions since everyone's brain was probably drained out by then. (3) Student sessions were better than last year. I think students should be discouraged from standing behind the lectern and should be encourage to stand either on the stage or in front of their PPT. Some students were reading directly from notes. I understand that English is not their first (or even second language), but this is a good opportunity for them to practice their presentation skills. Perhaps more emphasis could be given to those students about practicing and memorising their lecture. (4) The time for each student's presentation seemed to be too long, which could be cut down to 12 min. This session was a very good opportunity for us to learn how to share our research. No doubt that this session was amazing and unforgettable. 3.活動照 1:團體合照@壽山國家公園管理處 活動照 2:團體合照@中山大學海科院演講廳 活動照 3:學生報告 4. 校內新聞稿 //news.nsysu.edu.tw/p/404-1120-202624.php?Lang=zh-tw |
檢討與建議 |
1.須加強學生之英文口語能力表達能力,以便與外國學者交流。 2.因會議全程使用英語,讓學生卻步。 |