中山大學 教發中心

【2024.05.09活動】「讓學生在雙語及全英授課中自信起步(Scaffolding Your Students in a Bilingual/EMI Class)」線上工作坊

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國立中山大學雙語教育資源中心與國立臺南藝術大學合作辦理「讓學生在雙語及全英授課中自信起步(Scaffolding Your Students in a Bilingual/EMI Class)」線上工作坊,歡迎踴躍報名參加。



(一) 講題: 讓學生在雙語及全英授課中自信起步(Scaffolding Your Students in a Bilingual/EMI Class)

(二)時間:113年05月09日(四) 13:30-15:30。

(三)地點:採線上辦理,Google Meet連結將於會前寄發,請留意所填電子信箱是否為常用信箱。




(七)有意報名者請於05 月03日(五)17:30前完成報名, 報名連結:https://forms.gle/msc4CmSxxobswHNQ7




(二)本校教務處教發中心莊先生,電話:07-525-2000分機2113 。電子郵件:hktsng@mail.nsysu.edu.tw


Hello teachers,


The NSYSU Resource Center for Bilingual Education and TNNUA Bilingual Education Resources Center are collaborating to organize an online workshop titled "Scaffolding Your Students in a Bilingual/EMI Class." We sincerely welcome you to actively register and participate.


Details of the event are as follows:

(a) Topic: Scaffolding Your Students in a Bilingual/EMI Class

(b) Date and Time: Thursday, May 9, 2024, 13:30-15:30

(c) Location: Online via Google Meet. The meeting link will be sent before the event. Please ensure that the email address you provide is regularly used.

(d) Speaker: Dr. Yi-Chin Hsieh (Senior Lecturer, the School of Humanities at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore)

(e) Target Audience: University teachers nationwide. Participation will be counted as 2 hours in the NSYSU Resource Center for Bilingual Education 's "EMI Professional Development Program."

(f) Language: This workshop will be delivered in English.

(g)Registration Due: May 3, 2024, 17:30 Registration link: https://forms.gle/msc4CmSxxobswHNQ7


(a) Ms. Lin from the TNNUA Bilingual Education Resources Center. Phone: 06-693-0100 ext. 1261. Email: berc.tnnua@gmail.com.

(b) Mr. Chuang from the NSYSU Teaching Center. Phone: 07-525-2000 ext. 2113. Email: hktsng@mail.nsysu.edu.tw.


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